
日化观察 2018-09-07 2953


2018年8月20日,美国FDA网站刊登一则动态,宣布9月10-9月20日对VCRP 系统进行维护,这期间系统将不可使用。



VCRP (The Voluntary Cosmetic Registration Program )是一个美国市场的报告制度,中译名为化妆品自愿注册计划,适用于在美国销售的制造、包装和分销的化妆品产品。FDA化妆品和色素办公室应化妆品工业的要求制定了化妆品自愿注册计划。计划包括两部分:化妆品生产厂家自愿注册和化妆品成分声明。厂家自愿注册并获得注册号并不表示FDA对该厂家或其产品的批准,FDA也不允许厂家利用参与VCRP或获取的注册号或列名号进行商业宣传。(有没有联系到咱们的国产非特殊用途化妆品备案系统,只是人家包括生产企业和产品,而且是自愿登记,应该就是我们所称的“登记式备案”吧),小编搜集了一些关于该Program的介绍(来自网络,小编不对真实性、准确性担保),学习美帝的化妆品管理经验,在改革的关键时期,希能借他山之石,逐已身之玉。@国家药监局






避免因成分问题导致产品被召回或进口时被扣留。如果化妆品厂家把产品配方在VCRP备案,只要FDA发现厂家在配方中使用了未经批准的色素添加剂或其它禁用成分,就会提醒厂家注意。这样,厂家可以在产品进口或销售前修改产品配方,从而消除了因为不当成分的使用导致产品被召回或扣留的风险。 帮助零售商识别有安全意识的生产商。零售商(例如百货公司)有时询问FDA某家化妆品公司是否在FDA注册过。虽然注册并不表示FDA批准,但它表明你的产品经过了FDA的审阅并且进入了政府的数据库。如果你提交的产品配方不完整,或者包含某种禁用成分或未经批准的色素添加剂,FDA会通知你。
























配料标签、禁用配料 、英语标签 、不准许使用的色素 、法规要求的警示性说明 、产品需用符合21CFR700.25节要求的抗干扰的包装。





当FDA接到入境通报后,审核进口商的报关单位以确定是否应进行物理检验(码头检验,抽样检验). 如果决定不抽取样品,FDA分别向美国海关和案及进口商发送(可续行通知)。此时,本批货物在FDA处予以放行. 注意"可不经检验续行"并不意味着产品符合要求。它只意味着在产品入境时FDA不予检验。如果日后发现产品违反法律和法规,将视违法的性质启动相应的法律措施(如没收等). 如果决定取样,FDA分别向美国海关和案及进口商发送"取样通知书"该批货物必须保持原样以待进一步通知,FDA将从该批货物中抽取样品。


About VCRP

There are two parts to the VCRP, described in detail in the sections below. You may participate in both parts of the program or only one part. No fees are required to participate in this voluntary program.

The VCRP applies only to cosmetic products being sold to consumers in the United States. It does not apply to cosmetic products for professional use only, such as products used in beauty salons, spas, or skin care clinics. It also does not apply to products that are not for sale (Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), part 710.9), such as hotel samples, free gifts, or cosmetic products you make in your home to give to your friends.

Benefits of VCRP Participation

The VCRP assists FDA in carrying out its responsibility to regulate cosmetics. FDA uses the information to evaluate cosmetic products on the market. Because product filings and establishment registrations are not mandatory, voluntary submissions provide FDA with the best information available about cosmetic products and ingredients, their frequency of use, and businesses engaged in their manufacture and distribution (Federal Register, vol. 73, p. 76360, and vol. 69, p. 9339).

 Information from the VCRP database also has been used by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR), an independent, industry-funded panel of scientific experts, to assist the CIR Expert Panel in assessing ingredient safety and determining priorities for ingredient safety review (Federal Register, vol. 73, p. 76360). FDA representatives attend CIR meetings in a non-voting capacity. By participating in the VCRP you are supporting these safety review processes.

Cosmetic companies gain one additional benefit from VCRP participation. Filers can use the database as back-up storage for product information because the FDA server is secured and off-site.

Some Important Things to Know

There are legal differences between cosmetics and drugs. The VCRP applies to products that are cosmetics as defined by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), section 201(i). Drugs are subject to different requirements, including those for registering establishments and listing products with FDA (FD&C Act, sec. 510; 21 CFR 207). Some cosmetic products may also be drugs. Additional information on these types of products is available elsewhere on FDA's website. For example, you may wish to refer to “Is It a Cosmetic, a Drug, or Both? (Or Is It Soap?).” If your products are drugs, or both cosmetics and drugs, see “Drug Registration and Listing System (DRLS & eDRLS)” and “Electronic Drug Registration and Listing Instructions.” 

The VCRP is not a cosmetic approval program or a promotional tool. Cosmetics are not subject to FDA premarket approval. It is the firm's responsibility to ensure that its cosmetic products and ingredients are safe and properly labeled, in full compliance with the law. Registration of a cosmetic establishment, assignment of an establishment registration number, filing a cosmetic product, or assignment of a CPIS number does not mean that FDA has approved the firm or its products (21 CFR 710.8 and 720.9) or that a product is a cosmetic as defined in the FD&C Act. Any representation in labeling or advertising that creates an impression of official approval because of registration or possession of a registration number is considered misleading (21 CFR 710.8 and 720.9). Misleading labeling makes a cosmetic misbranded (FD&C Act, 602(a)), and marketing a misbranded cosmetic is against the law (FD&C Act, 301(a)).

The VCRP is not part of an import notification system. Firms importing products considered to be solely cosmetics in the United States are not required to register with FDA, and a registration number is not required for importing cosmetics into the United States.

Certain information from the VCRP database is available through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). For example, FDA sometimes receives such requests from consumers or healthcare providers who wish to identify products that do or do not contain certain ingredients. Proprietary business information, however, is not releasable under FOIA. Firms may submit written requests for confidentiality of a cosmetic ingredient in accordance with 21 CFR 720.8, which also states how FDA handles such requests.

The regulations authorizing this program are found in 21 CFR, parts 710 and 720.

How to Participate

1) Registering cosmetic manufacturing and/or packaging establishments. Cosmetic establishments are facilities where cosmetics are manufactured and/or packaged, not locations that house only business operations. Only owners or operators of cosmetic manufacturing or packing facilities can register their establishments, using a separate Form FDA 2511 for each facility location. Distributors cannot register an establishment (21 CFR 710.1). Firms can register their establishments before or after their products are entered into commercial distribution and for sale to U.S. consumers. FDA assigns a registration number to each establishment location.

2) Filing Cosmetic Product Ingredient Statements (CPIS). A cosmetic manufacturer, packer, or distributor can file a statement for each product the firm has entered into commercial distribution in the United States. Use a separate Form FDA 2512 for each formulation. (If you are using printed forms, you will need both Form FDA 2512 and 2512a.) You also may file a CPIS to amend an earlier submission if you change the formulation. FDA assigns a Cosmetic Product Ingredient Statement Number (CPIS NO.) to each formulation filed in the VCRP.

3) Amending or Discontinuing a Product Formulation. CPIS numbers do not have expiration dates, so it is important for you to follow the procedures in 21 CFR 720.6 to amend a filed formulation or to discontinue a filed product that is no longer in commercial distribution. Use Form FDA 2512 to amend or discontinue a CPIS. 



